Employment Form Test Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Position For Which Applying *Which Godfather's Pizza location are you applying to? *If offered the position, what is the earliest date you can start? *Are you willing to work a flexible schedule including nights, weekends and holidays? *YesNoPlease select which days of the week you are available to work. *MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayName *FirstLastHome Address *City, ST *ZIP Code *Phone Number *Email *Are you 16 years of age or older? *YesNoAre you 18 years of age or older? *YesNoHave You Ever Been Employed by Godfather's Pizza? *If yes, please tell us when/where.Are you Legally Eligible to Work in the USA? *YesNo(Note: Proof of citizenship or immigration status will be required upon employment.)Employment HistoryName and Address of Employer, Dates of Employment, Position, Supervisor, Reason for leaving, May we contact, if not, why?Name and Address of Employer, Dates of Employment, Position, Supervisor, Reason for leaving, May we contact, if not, why?Name and Address of Employer, Dates of Employment, Position, Supervisor, Reason for leaving, May we contact, if not, why?Do you want to tell us anything else about yourself?APPLICANT: READ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CAREFULLY - The facts set forth in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that I will not be hired to work a fixed schedule and that scheduled hours may vary from week to week depending on business needs. I understand that any false information I record on this application or deliberate omission of any information requested will be sufficient reason for rejection of my application or termination of my employment. I further understand and agree that if my employment is terminated, I must immediately return all of the corporation's property in my custody, including office keys, uniforms and manuals. I understand that completing this application does not constitute an agreement by Godfather's Pizza to employ me. In making this application, I also understand that all information I have furnished may be investigated for verification by contacting former employers (except where otherwise indicated herein), references and any parties or sources who may have information Godfather's Pizza or franchisee deems relevant to my employment. I authorize Godfather's Pizza and its representatives to conduct a review of such information and release from all liability or damage those individuals, firms or employers who may provide such information, and Godfather's Pizza in gathering such information. I understand that if I obtain employment with Godfather's Pizza, my employment will not be for a fixed period of time and that it can be terminated by the Company, or me, with or without notice for any reason or no reason, and without liability for wages, salary or other compensation or benefits except what I have earned as of the date of termination, or specified by Federal, State or Local law. No employee or agent of Godfather's Pizza other than a Corporate Officer, has the authority to make additions, deletions, or modifications to this Acknowledgement. *Date & SignaturePhoneSubmit